ICRAVE Creating Reality

It’s our ability to purposefully create the conditions of consciousness (thoughts, feelings, emotions, and beliefs) that lock one possibility of our choosing into the reality of our lives.

The bottom line is this:  There’s a fine and delicate balance between simply choosing a new possibility and actually following through with the thoughts, feelings, and beliefs that awaken that outcome as a new reality.

Re-source: Recondition

We must “abandon” ourselves to the new possibility and in our “love for that state…live in the new state and no more in the old state.”

No wonder prayers work miracles!  They put us in touch with the pure space where the miracles of our minds become the reality of our world. For our prayers to be answered, we must transcend the doubt that often accompanies the positive nature of our desire.

craving and resource from “The Divine Matrix” by Greg Braden