The concept of cosmic consciousness is to access an awareness beyond the five senses.
- This includes extrasensory perception like intuition, telepathy, manifestation, dream time, interstellar communication, psychic healing, and many other “super powers” that humanity at large is only beginning to recognize.
While certain “masters” over the ages have pierced the veil to fully experience the wonders of cosmic consciousness, the vast majority of humans catch only glimmers of their full potential.
- The solution starts with each of us as an individual, paying closer attention to our choices, and by using higher levels of discernment before agreeing to future claims on our time and attention.
In order to experience cosmic consciousness, we need to open ourselves up to it.
- Cosmic consciousness isn’t something we try to find, it is about discovering the essential nature of who and what we are.
- Meditative states, where we stop thinking about what we think we need, our worries, or our future plans, and we start tapping into the stream of the all that is in the here and now moment, is one way to help sensitize our Self to our cosmic nature.
Re-source: Receptive
Opening up to cosmic consciousness is similar to tuning our minds like we would tune a radio station.
- On one radio station, we can hear the news, on a different station, we hear great music.
- Our minds work similarly. We can learn to “turn the dial” of our minds to tune ourselves to the channel of cosmic consciousness.
- In most cases, the channel of cosmic consciousness is pure silence or the sounds of nature.
- However, within that silence, we can start to detect subtle messages, sensations, knowledge, and insights.
Once we are tuned in to cosmic consciousness, we can plant our intentions into the stream, like a seed planted in soil.
- This is how manifestation works.
- Adepts can plant seeds of intention and the Universe has no choice but to oblige.
Of course, we can make mistakes where we plant the wrong seeds. For example, if we have negative thoughts, or we try to take advantage of others, then the law of karma comes back at us and gives us what we don’t want, to show us how the Universe works.
- The law of karma is not a mystical or magic force, it is more like a law of quantum physics.
- In some ways we are like an alchemist discovering the Philosopher’s Stone, but there are plenty of ways our experiments can fail along our journey to discovery.
- Failure is not bad in an of itself, it is to be expected. It is when we behave unintentionally or unconsciously that we set ourselves up for a rough ride.
It is important that we try to keep in tune with the cosmic aspect of reality throughout the day, which might be as simple as catching ourselves when we have a negative thought, or becoming aware of when we have a judgmental thought.
- If we can stop those negative thoughts from forming completely, and insert a positive thought instead, we are less likely to cause a negative cosmic reaction in our life experience.
- We can also use techniques to help ensure our dream time is connected to higher frequency rather than lower frequency.
craving and resource from Balance In Me – “What Is Cosmic Consciousness?” By St Jermain – (