We must face up to our particular way of controlling others. Humans have always felt short of energy and have sought to control each other to acquire the energy that flows between people.
- An alternative source exists, but we can’t really stay connected with this source until we come to grips with the particular method that, we, as individual, use in our controlling, and stop doing it.
- Because whenever we fall back into this habit, we get disconnected from the source.
Getting rid of this habit isn’t easy because it’s always unconscious at first.
- The key to letting it go is to bring it fully into consciousness, and we do that by seeing that our particular style of controlling others is one we learned in childhood to get attention
- to get the energy moving our way
- This style is something we repeat over and over again. I call it our unconscious control drama.
I call it a drama because it is one familiar scene, like a scene in a movie, for which we write the script as youths.
- Then we repeat this scene over and over in our daily lives without being aware of it.
- All we know is that the same kind of events happens to us repeatedly.
- The problem is if we are repeating one particular scene over and over, then the other scenes of our real life movie, the high adventure marked by coincidences, can’t go forward.
- We stop the movie when we repeat this one drama in order to manipulate for energy.
Everyone manipulates for energy either aggressively, directly forcing people to pay attention to them, or passively, playing on people’s sympathy or curiosity to gain attention.
The order of the dramas goes this way: Intimidator, interrogator, aloof, and poor me.
- For instance, if someone threatens you, either verbally or physically, then you are forced, for fear of something bad happening to you, to pay attention to him and so to give him energy.
- The person threatening you would be pulling you into the most aggressive kind of drama (the intimidator).
- An interrogator is another kind of drama. People who use this means of gaining energy, set up a drama of asking questions and probing into another person’s world with the specific purpose of finding something wrong.
- If on the other hand, someone tells you all the horrible things that are already happening to them, implying perhaps that you are responsible, and that, if you refuse to help, these horrible things are going to continue, then this person is seeking to control at the most passive level, with what the Manuscript calls a poor me drama.
- Aloof people create the interrogators. And interrogators make people aloof. And intimidators create the poor me approach, or if this fails, another intimidator.
Re-source: Renew
Clearing the Past – The first step in the process of getting clear is to bring our particular control drama into full consciousness.
- Nothing can proceed until we really look at ourselves and discover what we are doing to manipulate for energy.
Each of us must go back into our past, back into our early family life, and see how this habit was formed.
- Seeing its inception keeps our way of controlling in consciousness.
- Each person must reinterpret his family experience from an evolutionary point of view, from a spiritual point of view, and discover who he really is.
- Once we do that, our control drama falls away and our real lives take off.
We are truly free to become more than the unconscious act we play.
- We can find a higher meaning for our lives, a spiritual reason we were born to our particular families.
- We can begin to get clear about who we really are.
craving and resource from “The Celestine Prophesy” by James Redfield