Your normal reaction is not to be agitated or angry
- When you feel this way, you lose the calm relaxed focus
- Instead of being disrupted by the disruption, just go within and feel the sensations of your body
- Take a deep breath since that is an easy way to come back to body awareness
- Keep your attention on these distracting temptations until they disappear
- What you have done is break the chain of stimulus response by creating a gap and interval of non-reaction.
- This stops the reaction from fueling itself
- It reminds the body of its natural state of harmonious coordinated self-regulation
- this is the body’s ground state (grounded)
Stress pulls you into another state heightened by illogical responses that trigger a flow of hormones, increase heart rate, stimulate hyper vigilance of the senses, and many other late reactions.
- These are all temporary emergency measures only
- If you allow the stress reaction to become a habit, disharmony enters
- The normal state of relaxed awareness tries to coexist with the agitated state of the stress response, but the two don’t mix- they aren’t meant to exist at the same time
Anytime you are feeling distracted or stress, there is a tendency to escape
- Denial, Distracting yourself through overwork, using substances to alter you mind-state are all escapes
- What they all have in common is absence of awareness
- You numb or distract yourself under the false belief that being too aware will only increase your pain.
- In reality the opposite is true
Awareness heals because awareness is truly whole
- Healing is essentially a return to “wholeness”

Re-source: Reveal
make (previously unknown or secret information) known
Your first and most reliable guide to happiness is your body
- The body is designed to support the mind
- Working together the create the state known as happiness
- When you are deciding whether or not to act, ask your body, “How do you
feel about this?”
- If your body sends a signal of emotional or physical distress, reconsider the action
- If it sends a signal of comfort or eagerness, proceed.
- You cannot have a single thought, sensation, or feeling without your body responding
“Lightness of being” in my body will be my indicator of happiness
- If I feel heavy or dull in my body, I will pay special attention because these feelings are signs that I’m suffering from inertia and the force of habit rather than experiencing the moment.
craving and resource from “The Ultimate Happiness Prescription” – the 7 keys to joy and enlightenment – by Deepak Chopra