ICRAVE Conscious Co-Creating

We are Co-creators through our Thoughts.  All things are literally one and therefore interconnected.  Because all energy is interconnected, it is malleable to human consciousness through the action in intention. 

Incredibly, it responds to our expectations.  Our radiating thoughts and feelings cause our energy to flow out into the world and affect other energy systems.

When we become aware of the unique and beautiful qualities of nature or a person, we have, in effect, raised our vibration on the continuum of consciousness.  After putting ourselves into resonance with the beauty of an object or person, the next level of perception will be to see the energy in that which we find beautiful.

Try visualizing states of mind as different frequency bands. 

  • As you bring in the higher vibrations of energy, such as awareness, gratitude, beauty, integrity, joy, and trust, you are actually harmonizing more closely with the universal energy. 

Everyday life becomes infused with your ability to stay connected through awareness

  • Even though there will be times when you experience stress, you will be more likely to stay connected to the heartbeat of your spiritual guidance.

Re-source: Reintegration

As we shift to a higher vibration, messages tend to flow in more quickly. 

When we are using our gifts and abilities with right intention, things come to us. 

If you are not experiencing that flow right now, shift your intention to being shown the way back to your path.  Expect that during the day you will encounter people who have messages relevant to your needs.  As you sharpen your awareness of this phenomenon it tends to build.

As an experiment, carry your journal or a small notebook with you all day for three days and write down all important messages or lessons you pick up from daily encounters in person, online, on the phone, etc.  You might be surprised at the pattern that emerges.  

craving and resource from “Experimental Guide of the Celestine Prophecy” by James Redfield and Carol Adrienne