You are hardwired with the innate wisdom to make choices that support you in creating a life worth living.
- Your intuition is available 24/7
- You need only to be mindful of its presences and make yourself available to its guidance
- “The universe conspires for your good”
- Empty yourself out, ask for guidance and listen intently
- Don’t try to manipulate how it will be revealed to you, just remain “tuned in” and trust.
Making conscious choices will support you in keeping your priorities in order.
- Be sure that your priorities include the highest and best, not only for yourself, but for everyone involved.
- Be prepared to let some things go in the process by remembering “You can have just about anything in life, but you can’t have everything.”

Re-source: Reflections
serious thought or consideration
How conscious have you been about the choices you have made on a daily basis?
- How much of your day do your run on auto-pilot
living by default?
- allowing other people, circumstance, and events to make up your mind for you
- If you tend to avoid making conscious choices, are you willing to challenge that behavior?
Living by default
- It may feel safe because it allows you to avoid responsibility for the choices you would otherwise be making.
- It is not the way to express your personal freedom, purpose, and reason for being on the planet.
Has the fear of making a mistake held you back from making choices that are needed to move you forward in your life?
- Making mistakes is not a bad thing as long as…
Once you are in motion, you can choose to reset your compass if necessary.
craving and resource from “The Art of Uncertainty” – How to live in the mystery of life and love it – by Dennis Merit Jones