ICRAVE Confronting Difficulties

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Learn to think in moments, rather than in days, weeks, months, years, decades, or a lifetime.  Avoid the inclination to magnify tiny events or worry about a future that may never arrive. 

  • It’s the little things that make all the difference in our world, and keeping life simple replaces chaos. 
  • “See simplicity in the complicated…do great things while they are still small.”

Change your notion of “thinking big” to “thinking small and getting big things done.” 

  • Examine whatever it is that seems so enormous that it terrifies you to start. 
  • Then shift your thinking to see what can be done today in your precious present moments, completely ignoring the overall picture. 
  • Your accomplishments will magnify into greatness when you undertake the small
    • by doing so, you’ll paradoxically see huge results. 

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” 

  • It encourages us to avoid procrastination and just begin from where we are, right here, right now.

Every goal is possible from here!  With emphasis on from here!

  • This is particularly applicable to problems that seem overwhelming. 
  • When you change the way you think about them, your new and unique perspective will cause the enormity of the things before you to diminish.

Image result for response yes no maybe

Re-source: Response

Difficulties are not experienced when they’re confronted.

  • “To believe that you need what you don’t have is insane.”
  • “Believing that you can’t be content and happy now because your future appears to you to be difficult is another form of insanity.”

Manage problems before they exist, and prior to disorder breaking out.

  • Be in the present moment.
    • What do I have to learn from this experience right now?
    • I know there’s a gift hidden for me in this misfortune, and I’ll focus on looking for it.
  • Getting out in front of big problems
    • Act before difficulties occur, sense disorder coming your way, and manage it in advance

Forget about the end result 

  • When you arrive where you thought you wanted to be, you’ll just begin a new journey.  So enjoy each step along the way and deep in mind that every goal is possible from here. 
  • Just do one thing, one day at a time.

craving and resource from “Change your thoughts, Change your life” by Wayne Dyer