ICRAVE Compulsive Fear Awareness

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We often fall prey to the urge to protect ourselves from fear, falling into the angst of separation and abandonment. 

  • This fear would lead us unto a frightened self-protection, fighting to retain our positions of power, stealing energy from each other, and always resisting change and evolution regardless of what new, better information might be available.
  • We constantly have to fight the fear.  Often the Fear is so great we fail to follow through with what we intended, or we distort it somehow.  But everyone comes in with the best of intentions.

Compulsive control dramas happen usually during the trials and challenges of life; routines break down and the anxiety rushes in.  It is what’s called hitting bottom.

  • This is the time to wake up and handle the fear in another way; but if a person can’t, then he or she goes right back into the trance.
  • These compulsive trances account for all horrible behavior in the physical dimension. 
  • This is the psychology of all truly evil acts, the motivation behind the inconceivable behavior of child molesters, sadists, and serial monsters of all kinds. 
  • They’re simply repeating the only behavior they know that will numb the mind and keep away the anxiety that comes from the lostness they feel.

There is no organized conspiratorial evil in the world, no satanic plot to which we fall prey.  There is only human fear and the bizarre ways that humans try to ward it off.

  • Blaming an outside force for everything bad was perhaps important at a certain stage in human development.  But now it obscures the truth, because blaming our behavior on forces outside ourselves is a way of avoiding responsibility. 
  • We tend to use the idea of Satan to project that some people are inherently evil so we can dehumanize the ones we disagree with and write them off. 
  • It is time now to understand the true nature of human evil in a more sophisticated way and then to deal with it.

Image result for love over fear

Re-source: Retransmute

to continue to change or alter in form, appearance, or nature and especially to a higher form

No matter how undesirable the behavior of others is, we have to grasp that they are just souls attempting to wake up, like us.

  • “Why can’t they accept the love and wake up?” “Because their preoccupation doesn’t fend off the anxiety of their aloneness. 
  • Coming into awareness and breaking free of a control drama always feels anxious at first, because the compulsion has to lift before the inward solution to the lostness can be found. 
    • That’s why a ‘dark knight of the soul’ sometimes precedes increased awareness and spiritual euphoria.

Understand faith as an actual mental process, as the way we help create the future.

  • Humans seem to help draw into their lives two particular kinds of events: what we have faith in and what we fear.  But we’re doing it unconsciously.  Much can be gained by pulling the process fully into consciousness.
  • Everyone is usually visualizing from fear, not faith. 
  • When we remember what we’re really supposed to do in life, it can restore our health. 
  • When we’re able to remember what all of humanity is supposed to do, we can heal the world.

Know how to uplift others and how to send energy by focusing on another’s beauty and higher-self wisdom.  This process can raise the energy level and creativity of the individual or group exponentially.

  • The process cannot begin until we come totally back to love.
  • When we focus in love, love energy is sent to this higher-self aspect of the person, and we’ll see the person change before our eyes as his or her greater capabilities shift into place.

craving and resource from “The Tenth Insight” by James Redfield

Image result for The Tenth Insight	-by James Redfield