There is nothing that you need in order to be perfectly happy. You only think that there is. Your deepest, most perfect happiness will be found within, and once you find it, nothing exterior to your Self can match it, nor can anything destroy it.
- You don’t experience that because you do not seek to. You seek to experience the grandest part of your Self outside of your Self. You seek to experience who you are through others, rather than allowing others to experience who they are through you.
Many of life’s most important statements are intuitive. You know that they are true before you know why or how.
- They come from a deeper understanding that transcends evidence and proof and logic and reason and all those tools with which you try to determine whether something is true or not – and thus, whether it is important.
- Sometimes you know something is important just from the “ring of truth” to it.
Nothing outside of yourself can compare with what is within you; no feeling you get from any exterior stimulation or source is anything like the total bliss of communion within.
- It is within that your bliss will be found
- Simply be quiet. Be with your Self in the stillness. Do this often. Do this daily. Even hourly in small doses if you can.
- Stop all of your “doingness.” Stop all of your thinking. Just “be” for a while. Even for only a moment. It can change everything.
- Take an hour everyday at dawn and give it your Self. Meet your Self there, in the holy moment. Then go about your day. You will be a different person.
Do not get caught up in labels, or ways of doing things.
- What you call meditation is nothing more than being with your Self (ultimately being your Self)

Re-source: Relationship
the way in which two or more people are connected, or the state of being connected
What starts out as being with another becomes an experience of being One – of being with the Self.
- Indeed, that is the whole purpose of sexual expression, and of every form of love.
Live your life for a new reason. Understand that its purpose has nothing to do with what you get out of it, and everything you do with what you put into it. This is also true of relationships.
- Get rid of your idea that happiness depends on anything outside of yourself, and you will get rid of jealousy.
- Get rid of your thought that love is about what you get in trade for what you give, and you will get rid of jealousy.
- Get rid of your claim on any other person’s time or energy or resources or love, and you will get rid of jealousy.
What love is – It is that which is without condition, without limitation, and without need.
- Love is freedom. Freedom to express the most joyous part of who you really are. The part that knows that you are One with everything and everyone.
- This is the truth of your being, and it is the aspect of Self which you will most urgently and earnestly seek to experience.
- We seek to experience it, every time we connect with someone with who we feel that sense of Oneness. The difficulty is that we can feel that sense of Oneness with more than one person.
- A highly evolved being feels it for everyone, all of the time.
Nothing inhibits your loving each other more than the thought that you have something to lose.
- You do not have to end a relationship in order to change it. Indeed, you cannot end a relationship, but can only alter it.
- You always have a relationship with everyone. The question is not whether you have a relationship, but what kind of relationship do you have?
- Your answer to this question will affect your life forever – and, indeed, could truly change the world.
Relationships are sacred. They are the most important aspects of life, because it is through relationships that we express and experience who we are, and who we choose to be.
- And not merely your relationships with other people, but our relationships with everything everywhere.
- Relationship is holy ground. Relationships with everything determines who and what we are.
craving and resource from “Friendship with God” by Neale Donald Walsch