ICRAVE Comfort Zone Consciousness

The Comfort Zone

When we feel uncomfortable enough long enough, we tend to feel discouraged (a form of exhaustion), and we return to thoughts, feelings and actions that are more familiar, more practiced, more predictable – more comfortable

  • The things we have done often enough to feel comfortable doing again.
  • Whenever we do something new, it falls outside the barrier of the comfort zone

                The Irony is that the feelings we have been taught to label “uncomfortable” are, in fact, among the very tools necessary to fulfill our dreams.

Re-source: Reshape

That tingling we feel when we contemplate waking up and living our dreams can be labeled either “fear” or “excitement.”  No matter what we call it, it’s the same feeling. 

  • If we call it fear, it’s an uncomfortable feeling. 
  • If we call it excitement, we turn it into energy that makes the process of learning and doing an active, enjoyable one.

“Do not be too timid and squeamish about your actions.  All life is an experiment.”

– Ralph Waldo Emerson

craving and resource from “DO IT!” – Let’s get of our buts – by John-Roger and Peter Mcwilliams