ICRAVE Colors Within

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Find and balance the seven qualities inherent in the seven colors of the rainbow within yourself.

Red – “I have” – ethics / family / balance/ security (we are the world)

  • Sense of belonging, keeps us grounded in the world and gives us the energy to live in harmony with the world around us. A deficient red person is intent only on satisfying their personal needs and shows little regard for others.

Orange – “I feel” – pleasure / joy / control / sense of well-being (honor each other)

  • People can make you well, or people can make you sick.  Choose wisely. Choose consciously.
  • So much of what we feel comes from our reactions to those around us.  Too often, we relinquish our happiness to another persons’ control.  What we need to realize is that feeling good is an inside job, and it begins with caring for ourselves.

Yellow – “I can” – empowerment / self-esteem / information / achievement (honor yourself and your achievements)

  • When we have self-worth, our life becomes a world of infinite possibilities. We learn self-worth from those people who act as guiding lights on our journey.
  • Yellow is a crucial stage in our path toward self-realization, where we come to understand that “I’m okay, whether or not you’re okay.”

Green – “I love” – peace / forgiveness / compassion / generosity (love is power)

  • Dominant color in nature reminding us of peace and peace and tranquility
  • This critical center represents the middle space, where the energy of the earth centers (body) meets with that of the heavenly centers (spirit).

Blue – “I see” – intuition / imagination / decisiveness / inspiration (believing is seeing)

  • Referred to as the “third eye” and perceived as the “sixth sense”
  • You are receptive to the sublime forces around you and this fires up your creative instincts. 
  • A sixth center that is blocked or inactive manifests itself in a distrust of anything that cannot be comprehended by the rational mind. 

Violet – “I trust” – surrender / patience / faith / gratitude (I will, thy will)

  • God’s plans are always better than our own.
  • The site at which we are connected with the energy of the Divine.  The energy from this center provides us with the deepest knowledge possible about our purpose in life and how it relates to the truths of the universe.
  • Your time spent praying an meditating has been time well spent, for it has given you an insight into the oneness, or interconnectedness, of all reality.  If you have not nurtured you crown center, you do not have a solid purpose.

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Re-source: Repair

Red: Abandonment – Fearful about losing my emotional support.

Orange: Self-control – Not feeling in control of my life.  Allowing others to take control.

Yellow: Self-confidence – Feeling poorly about my image.

Green: Forgiveness – Holding on to anger toward myself for being scared to confront things.

Blue: sincerity – Not being honest with myself.

Indigo: Intuition: Ignoring intuitive feelings.

Violet: Faith – Not trusting God to handle things.

craving and resource from “The Rainbow Connection” by Cristina Carlino

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