ICRAVE Color Wellness

Image result for Rainbow Sunset

The rainbow offers a deeper message about unlimited potential.  The seven spiritual centers correspond to the seven colors of the rainbow (with emotional issue attached to it)

Self-Reliance: Red

  • Code of ethics, abundance, stability, balance, security – “I have”

Self-Care: Orange

  • Positive person, Genuinely “happy,” feel pleasure, joy, mobility, sense of well-being, engaging in healthy habits, “I feel good”

Self-Worth: Yellow

  • empowerment, live by your own choices, confidence, informed, sense of achievement. “I can”

Self-Love: Green

  • Sense of peace, in harmony, forgiveness, compassion, generosity, “I love”

Self-Expression: Blue

  • “I express,” feel creativity, sincerity, willpower, creativity, responsibility

Self-Exploration: Indigo

  • “the sage,” intuition, inspired, Imagination, sixth sense, “I see”

Selflessness: Violet

  • “the saint,” surrender, patience, feel safe, gratitude, “I trust”

Image result for rebuild rainbow color legos

Re-source: Rebuild

Build a fulfilling life through identifying your needs.

  • Building your red entails establishing fiscal responsibility and stable personal and familial bonds
  • Building your orange will take positive measures to take care of your emotional and physical well-being
  • Building your yellow will learn how to believe in yourself and achieve a strong sense of self-worth
  • Building your green will become a subscriber to the power of love and the profound effect it has in resolving all conflict.
  • Building your blue will begin to express your truth creatively and verbally without fear of ridicule
  • Building your indigo your specific information, knowledge, and inspiration can make the world a better place
  • Building your violet you will learn to live by the power of faith and not the power of people.

Connect the colors together, to integrate all the stages into your life and to make sure they are all satisfied.

craving and resource from “The Rainbow Connection” by Cristina Carlino