ICRAVE Coherence and Clarity

Whenever you experience frustration, resignation, or cynicism, ask, what is the first small, sweet action I am willing to take toward coherence?

Cleaning up incoherence is essential.  However, doing this only brings us relief – a neutral state.  Many of us get confused at this point.  It’s as though we think that when we get rid of a headache we have attained bliss.  Getting relief only puts us on a good footing to actively create the experience of coherence.  This is where we find satisfaction, meaning, harmony, and fulfillment.  This is where luminosity resides.

  • Clarity means being clear about who you are, and what’s important to you.  It also means being clear about who other people are in their heroes’ hearts.
  • Focus means focusing your attention upon conclusions that are empowering, spacious, or ontological rather than listening to Monkey Mind.  Seeing people as the heroes they are is an example of this.
  • Ease means ease of action, whether at the border with a project or bringing it to completion.  Ease happens when your actions in the moment are coherent.
  • Grace means being grateful for the journey, seeing that you are being guided by inner principles and that you can be resilient and centered no matter what is going on in physical reality.

Re-source: Reveal

Bring who you are with you.  Ontological conclusions are crucial at the border.  They are powerful allies.  They call out to your hero’s heart and restore you to yourself. 

Monkey Mind’s voice will always call to you, activating your natural inclination to doubt yourself or the game you created.  However, once you shift the focus of your attention toward ontological conclusions, you begin to gather evidence for them, and you show up powerfully as the hero you already are.

  • How might what I’m going through right now contribute to the lives of others?
  • Where am I making this more difficult than it needs to be?
  • What am I grateful for in this moment?
  • What is emerging here?
  • What lesson is here for me?  How will it help me grow?
  • What am I learning about my strengths and capabilities?
  • How might I do the next thing before me with ease?
  • What am I willing to do next, whether I want to or not?

craving and resource from “Mastering life’s Energies” – Simple steps to a Luminous Life at work and Play – by Maria Nemeth