Think of passion as a great river, teeming with energy.
- This energy can be unleashed in many ways and with many effects.
- It can escape unexpectedly and chaotically in the form of raging waves, rapid currents, and dangerous whirlpools, or be regulated wisely by careful channeling through a dam or levy.
- It can batter and destroy or nourish and renew.
Your purpose is your dam. It is the conduit through which you harness your passion and use it toward positive ends.
- You and you alone, can determine how you will use it, when you will use it, and where it will lead you.
Deciding how you want to use your passion is a serious choice, but also an uplifting one.
- It is almost as if you have found a treasure and must decide how you and the world will benefit from it.
- Will it make you and you alone rich, or will you spread your new found wealth to others?
- Will you use it to increase your knowledge, improve your community, or help others?
- Will it complicate your life or simplify it, move you away from your current setting or tie you closer to it?
Passion should not be about living with regret, but rather about living without it.
- This is why clarifying your purpose is such a critical step.
Re-source: Refine
“Keep your eyes on the stars, but remember to keep your feet on the ground.”
To clarify my purpose I will…
- Seek to understand my passion and where I want it to lead me.
- Define my big purpose by deciding what is most important to me.
- Determine the things that matter most in the different areas of my life.
- Begin to look for ways that my passion can help me achieve my purposes.
Nine key profit areas: emotional, spiritual, physical, interpersonal, financial, professional, intellectual, civic, and humanitarian.
craving and resource from “The Passion Plan” by By Richard Chang