ICRAVE Choosing Peace

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Enlightenment means to be immersed in and surrounded by peace at all moments in your life. 

At any moment in your life when you are not at peace, it is because you have chosen in some way to process the events of your life outside of yourself, in a way that takes you away from that beautiful, soft, peaceful place within you

  • A place that is not encompassed by any of those fears
  • A place of peace and joy in each and every one of us. 
  • The greatest teachers who have ever walked among us suggested to us to go the place within you of peace and joy, and you will find you own life’s fulfillment.

The highest level of intelligence that you can reach is where you can say each and every day and moment in your life, “I am at peace; I know how to choose peace.

  • That is why music and poetry ought to pay such an important part in a person’s life, because these are the types of things that we use every day that make us feel better. 
  • We want to soothe our self and be able to make every encounter in our life not so focused on “what does my intellect say?” but instead, “how do I feel?”

Image result for affirm peace

Re-source: Reaffirm

state again as a fact; assert again strongly

A very powerful affirmation when you find yourself in an experience of chaos, confusion, anxious, fearfulness and worry is “I can choose peace, rather than this.”

  • Another way of saying that is “I can choose enlightenment, rather than this.” 

To be enlightened is to be living in that place where you are no longer susceptible to what is going on around you. 

  • That is the highest level of emotional health, is where you can understand, “What you think of me is none of my business.” 
  • And “Regardless of what is going on outside of me (all of the chaos, problems and struggles), inside of me I have an opportunity to choose peace.” 
  • And, “When I can choose peace, this means that I can get quiet and shut out all of those external factors and go within.”
    • to that place that is probably the most positive indicator of whether you can achieve enlightenment in your life. 
    • It is an indicator that when you have it, you are reaching the very highest and most significant levels of awareness that you can have. 

craving and resource from “Inspirational Thoughts” by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

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