ICRAVE Changing Negative Choices

The choice

  • What is the negative choice?
  • Why are you making this negative choice?
  • What do you get out of making this negative choice?
  • What will you get out of breaking this negative choice?
  • Who or what supports you in this negative choice?
  • How does your past support this negative choice?
  • How is this negative choice postponing the life you wish to lead?

The change

In order to change you must acknowledge negative behavior and forgive.  For the next thirty days focus daily meditation and/or prayer on the following affirmations.  Deep breathing is extremely beneficial during this time.

  • I am willing to release the need to:
  • I am willing to release and shed the past:
  • I am willing to release this pattern of negativity:
  • I am willing to release that which is negative for me:

Re-source: Reconcile

When you begin your forgiveness exercises, place your hands over your heart as you recite those things you forgive. 

  • Seeing yourself and those you are forgiving as small children will help you
    • it’s so much easier to forgive a child than an adult. 
    • (If the person you need to forgive is deceased or you’re having difficulty conjuring an image of him, try focusing on a photo)
  • I forgive myself for:
  • I forgive my mother for:
  • I forgive my father for:
  • I forgive my  ______________ for:

The commitment

Never make a commitment you can’t keep.  Under-promise.  Over-deliver.  Don’t seek perfection, seek a positive outcome.

  • The crawl…
  • The baby step…
  • The first step…
  • Walking…
  • Running…
  • Taking flight…
  • Affirmations…

craving and resource from “The Rainbow Connection” by Cristina Carlino