ICRAVE Changing My Attitude

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“If you don’t like something, change it. If you cannot change it, change your attitude. Don’t complain.”

Maya Angelou
  • Evaluate your present attitude.
    • Mindfulness and awareness are key to improving an attitude the desperately needs changing.
  • Have a desire to change.
    • No choice will determine the success of your attitude change more than desiring to change.
  • Change your attitude by changing your thoughts.
    • After all, attitudes are nothing more than habits of thought.
  • Manage your attitude daily.
    • Remember, maintaining the right attitude is easier than regaining it.
    • As the great John Wooden said, “Things turn out the best for people who make the best of the way things turn out.”
  • Take responsibility for your attitude, which is totally in your control.
    • You can’t control the weather, but you can control the atmosphere of your mind.

Image result for reevaluate your attitude

Re-source: Reevaluate

Attitude is a key, powerful ingredient in the recipe for success, fulfillment and purpose. In many situations, attitude is the difference-maker.

  • Your attitude makes a difference in your approach to life.
  • Your attitude makes a difference in your relationships with people.
    • It influences how we see others, and it determines whether we lift others up or deflate them.
    • And the right attitude allows us to learn from each person we meet — every one of which who has something to teach us.
  • Your attitude makes a difference in how you face challenges.

“Your attitude is the paintbrush of your mind.”

John C. Maxwell

craving and resource from “Change That Up” – changethatup.com