How do we calm the voice in our head?
- Your mind won’t stop if you are totally immersed in it.
- When you’re so identified with your mind, even the thought that your mind won’t stop doesn’t even occur to you
- you become your mind
- so it’s a good start when you hear the thought, “Why can’t I stop my mind?”
It wont work to just say to ourselves, “Let me think about something else.”
- There’s no anchor for presence
- and the mind has such momentum that you won’t be able to stop it
- you need an anchor for presence and the “inner body” is a wonderful anchor for the state of presence.
How does one clear one’s mind of bad memories? How can you clear your mind of bad memories?
- You can recognize that bad memories are thoughts that are rising in your mind.
- When you recognize that these are thoughts arising in your mind, you don’t need to identify with the thoughts any longer.
Memories of something bad that happened to you, is not happening here and now; it’s already happened.
- Memories are thoughts that arise; they are not realities
- Only when you believe that they are real, then they have the power over you.
- But when you realize it’s just another thought arising about the past, then you can you find a spacious relationship with thought.
- thought no longer has you in its grip
Another aspect of that is guilt, which has to do with something one did to someone, or something that they failed to do but should have done.
- No human being can act beyond their level of consciousness.
- At that time you acted like that, awareness was not there to act differently.
- Now the awareness is there, and the awareness is who you truly are.

Re-source: Reinitiate
You can choose to take your attention away from thinking
- Ask yourself, “Can I feel the energy inside my hands?”
- In other words “can I feel that my hands are there without touching anything?”
- Can I feel that there’s a there’s an energy inside my hands
- After a little while most people can feel this light tingling or aliveness that you can feel when energy goes in there
- That’s an enormous step that you’ve already taken because immediately thinking will slow down because it no longer has your whole attention.
- Then can you incorporate the whole body
- can you sense your legs and arms an so on
You can’t just say okay I’m gonna think about something else. Actively choose to go into the body and then thinking slows down.
- You might even stop thinking completely for a while
- The amazing thing is what before was an unpleasant dreadful sleepless night, within a few minutes can actually be transformed into a very pleasant experience of feeling the inherent aliveness in the in your whole body
- You recognize, “I have slowed down,” and the mind will do very little
- When you’re really in the body there’s not much thinking anymore
craving and resource from “How to Silence Voices in Your Head” by Eckhart Tolle – SuperSoul Sunday – Oprah Winfrey Network