ICRAVE Building Self-Belief

Believe in yourself !

Without self-belief we hesitate – or never move at all. 

When we do not believe in ourselves, we cannot believe in our future – so we have no vision.  And without vision, we have no dream.  Without a dream we have no plan.  Without a plan there is no accomplishment.  And without accomplishment, there is no reward.  So without self-belief, there is no fulfillment.  It all begins with believing in yourself.

True self-belief should never be mistaken for self-pride or arrogance.  Wholesome, positive self-belief is an expression of our acceptance of the talents and the potential we were born with, to put to good use in our lives.

The first way we gain self-belief is from the way we grew up.  The second is through the repeated experience of small successes.

  • habit of success
  • Positive input programmed in us

Image result for building self belief

Re-source: Rebuild

Building self-belief

  • Start by getting new programs that build your self-belief
  • Make a list of the things you are most proud of having done
  • Schedule two or three small tasks that challenge you – but ones you know you can accomplish if you work at them – and get them done in the next week.
  • Each week for the next three weeks, accept at least one larger challenge you’ve been avoiding and get it done.
  • Avoid, completely, saying or thinking anything negative about yourself at any time or for any reason
  • Ignore the negative opinions of others
  • Surround yourself with those who believe in you

Have “High Energy Positive Mode!”

craving and resource from “The Gift” by Shad Helmstetter, PHD