ICRAVE Broadcasting My Desires

You have to broadcast your desires in a very specific way.

  • You attract what you feel, not what you ask for
  • It is imperative that you come from a place of abundance and peace rather than deprivation and fear.
  • Our emotions play a huge part in what we communicate to the world

If you can desire it, the Universe can produce it.

You must bring action to your aspirations and intentions.  If you don’t do the work, it most likely will never materialize.

  • Use a precise methodical action to make your dreams a reality

If you don’t really believe your dream inside, then you won’t get it.

  • The only reason you are not living your dreams right now is because, your life experience so far has stripped away your belief in your unlimited potential.

Re-source: Refine

Whatever you think and feel comes back to you (Karma)

  • You need to come from a place of have instead of have not
  • You can’t ask for anything if you focus on your lack of it.
  • Think about what it would feel like to already have what you want
  • Powerful visualizations play a big part
  • Feel the happiness and contentment that your success will bring you
  • These powerful prayers and positive emotions will establish the first connection between your dreams and your reality.
  • Don’t be jealous of others because you are communicating that you are less than they are
  • To meet your true love don’t focus on wanting someone to take away your loneliness.  Instead think of everything you have to offer the right person and imagine the beautiful productive relationship you will have (which is what you will project and attract).
  • To be healthy, don’t think to yourself, “I don’t want to get sick,” because that message focuses on sickness.  Instead, think of feeling strong and joyful and vibrant. 

craving and resource from “Unlimited” – How to build an exceptional life – by Jillian Michaels