ICRAVE Breaking Self-Limiting Stories

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If you embrace limiting stories, you will play out the same scenario the rest of your life, until you wake up and say enough!

  • It is the prison of your mind that causes your suffering 
    • Not the dead-end job, the love-less relationship, etc.  Those are merely symptoms of your character’s story.

It is not easy to change the way you see yourself.

  • If you grew up experiencing loss, failure, rejection, or believing that you are lazy or a loser it is hard to break those beliefs because you don’t have any other frame of reference.
  • Whatever limiting ideas you have about yourself are not true
  • For whatever reason it continued because you believed it to be true

A father and son go to the circus. They notice a huge elephant shackled by flimsy rusted chains. The son asks “Isn’t that elephant strong enough to break free from those chains?” the dad answers “Of course he is, it is just that it has been chained like that since it was too small to break free. And now it doesn’t know the difference.”

  • Many times, we are the elephant in this story.

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Re-source: Reflection

Nothing is holding you back but you

  • What is your story? What is your role in your own life story and how is it imprisoning you and holding you back? 
    • Are you fat because you think you are lazy? 
    • Are you poor because you think you are a loser? 
    • Write down all the ways in which your self-definitions keep you from a life that you want.
  • Is there truth to your story? Any truth at all?

Whatever your self-imposed limitations may be, now is the time to identify them so you can let go of them. You need to tell a new story. Preferably one where you are living a passionate and meaningful life that is full of love.

Your self-image is the crucial factor in where your journey takes you.

  • It either moves you forward or holds you back. 
    • If you believe yourself to be a worthless failure, the decisions and choices you make will come from that belief and you will probably end up failing.  Think the opposite, and that too is what you will get.
    • Once you understand this fact, you are free to find new attitudes and beliefs about yourself which will in turn change the choices you make and the results you achieve.
  • You can’t change your self-image overnight, but it will get easier if you keep at it.

The small victories and successes that you achieve through educated determined diligence will dramatically help you redefine your self-image.

craving and resource from “Unlimited” – How to build an exceptional life – by Jillian Michaels

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