At times we may be so fearful and doubtful that we are willing to sacrifice our own well-being in order to hang on to false security.
- This is a common theme across human history.
- We have a way of putting ourselves in invisible boxes and refusing to see the great big world of possibility around us.
“Why do you stay in prison when the door is so wide open?” –
- Have you ever felt that way in your life, as if you are imprisoned, shackled, and unable to make a move?
- like you have lost control and are at the mercy of others?
- What you probably don’t realize at those times is that the door really is wide open.
- you just need to make the decision to walk through it.
“People have a hard time letting go of their suffering out of a fear of an unknown. They prefer suffering that is familiar.”
Buddhist monk and peace activist Tic Nac Han
- We are terrified to choose something different than our current reality because we worry what if it is worse?
Build your life in a way that can erode your fears and help you find strength and courage to face the unknown.
- The amazing truth about the unknown is that it is usually far better than you could’ve imagined.

Re-source: Restore
bring back (a previous right, practice, custom, or situation); reinstate.
Life can move at a furious pace, sometimes like a raging river after a massive storm. Self-care is foundational to living your ideal life.
- We can find ourselves being swept away in the day to day rush from one thing to the next.
- Self-care is usually the first thing we throw overboard when we are trying not to sink in the pressures of work, family, friends, and other responsibilities.
Self-care boils down to being compassionate with yourself.
- Many people find it easier to be compassionate towards others than toward themselves.
- The more compassion you have for yourself, the more you will have to give to others.
- If you tank is full and overflowing, you have more to give away.
- What are some practical ways you can become more compassionate towards yourself?
craving and resource from “Best Self” – Be You, Only Better – by Mike Bayer