ICRAVE Brain Reset

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We all know that when something doesn’t work you reset it.

  • A reboot often fixes the phone, computer, or other piece of technology
  • Try rebooting your brain by doing little, tiny, small, simple steps to make you feel safe in the moment.

Here are 5 common sense keys that you can turn into common practice to reset your brain.

  • Routine
  • Emotion
  • Sever
  • Explore
  • Think

Routine – really look into your routines.  The treasure you seek is hidden in your daily routine.  

  • Focus especially on…
    • routines around your sleep
    • your devotion to motion – what’s your routine for moving
    • journaling – taking your thoughts and putting them on paper on a regular basis
  • These are wonderful ways to reduce anxiety and to help you process what you’re going through to give yourself an emotional release.

Emotions – honor them.  Don’t resist them.

  • You’re going to go through a full spectrum of emotions so don’t resist, because what you resist, persists.
    • If you try not to do it, you’re going to do it more.
  • Journaling, talk therapy, and connection with people is a wonderful way of processing them.

Sever – means to disconnect, separate, and enjoy some genuine time offline.

  • When we’re on screens all the time it gets difficult, because it becomes addictive.
  • Technology is not good or bad just like fire’s not good or bad. 
    • Fire can cook your food or it can burn down your home.
    • It’s how you utilize it.
    • Technology used as a tool allows us to connect, instruct, and inspire
    • But if technology is using you, then you become the tool.
  • Life is the C between B and D.  B is birth, and D is death. C is the choice.
    • Difficult times can define, diminish, or develop you.
    • Ultimately you decide with the choices you make every single day, and we always have a choice on what to focus on and what things mean.

Explore -Curiosity is one of the most important emotions to cultivate along with gratitude.

  • When you’re curious you don’t feel as much fear just like when you are grateful.
  • What can you explore? Part of it is getting curious.
    • Maybe you want to find a new playlist, try a new workout, OR try a new food.
  • Ask yourself these questions, “What’s most important to me in my life, my family, and my career?” “What’s my important contribution and my impact?”  
    • Lean into and explore that to see where are your passions.
    • Give yourself (and your children) enough stimulus and novelty to build your mental muscle, just like your physical muscles.

Think – Dream and hope again. What’s your truth?

  • A lot of people  pursued a career because of their parents and didn’t date somebody because they’re afraid of what other people would think.
  • A lot of people have unfulfilled pasts and regrets. 
    • Now is a great time to change that.
  • Dream and imagine again.  Your time and attention is valuable.   Don’t take it for granted.
    • Imagine what you want most.
    • Do not shrink your dreams to meet this current situation.
  • Upgrade your mindset, motivation, and your methods to be able to meet your biggest dreams and destiny.
    • See it, feel it, believe in it, and then work daily for it.

Image result for Be Restored

Re-source: Restore

repair or renovate  so as to return it to its original condition : give (something previously stolen, taken away, or lost) back to the original owner or recipient

When we experience stress our brains prepare for fight, flight, or freeze.

  • It’s not the place where you’re going get the best out of yourself.
  • Our cognitive abilities are limited when our mind feels overwhelmed.
  • The connection between an over stressed brain and the rest of your body can have some serious impact on our productivity and our peace of mind.
  • We know that stress triggers us when we lose a sense of control.
  • We feel stress and anxiety when we don’t know what tomorrow’s going to look like.

We’re glued on the social media and get hijacked by the news of what’s threatening, dark, and scary.

  • Whatever you engage with the most you get more of.
  • So stand guard to your brain because if you’re just focusing on what’s dark and threatening, you’re going to see more of that, and it doesn’t leave you bandwidth to focus on possibility, opportunity and what to be grateful for.

See if you feel as though your reset has allowed space for peace, performance, and upgrade.

  • Inner peace is the new success, Connection is a new currency and Happiness is a new rich.
  • Keep at it.  There is a version of you that you haven’t met yet. 
    • Keep showing up until you are introduced to this amazing person.

craving and resource from Be Inspired – “I Will Teach You How to Reset Your Brain” by Jim Kwik (brain expert)