We all have fear – Fear of failure, rejection, not being good enough, etc.
- Many of those stem from one core place, that is self-doubt.
- Self-doubt is why we get a crappy job, don’t get the body we want, don’t make the money we deserve and stay in relationships much longer than we know we should.
- Self-doubt is why we never change and don’t take action.
- Self-doubt is a story we tell ourselves that we can’t do something.
Boldness is a stronger indicator of success than intelligence.
- Smart people think of all the negative things that will happen when things go wrong, but bold people think of all the good things that will happen when things go right.
- Boldness is the secret sauce that puts you on the path to success.
A real big truth about success is you need to ask for what you want, period.
- “It’s the squeaky wheel that gets the grease”
- In a time now we are bombarded with information overload from every influence or expert telling you how to be successful, it’s really the most basic simple thing you can do.
- You need to stop deliberating, stop planning, stop creating flowcharts, and just act.
- “You miss a hundred percent of the shots that you don’t take.” – Wayne Gretzky
Boldness basically comes down to chasing what you want.
- The problem is most of us live on default. We default to what’s convenient, take what’s available and we acquiesce to what’s in front of us.
A really big misconception is people assume that boldness is something you’re either born with, but boldness is a skill you need to practice.
- You need to harness it to get better and better at it.

Re-source: Resilience
the capacity to withstand or to recover quickly from difficulties
The 10% target is the idea that whatever you want most in life, you make ten attempts.
- The problem is most people don’t make ten attempts.
- The truth is most people don’t even make one attempt.
- If you make 10 attempts at anything, one will be successful.
The purpose of the 10% target is to get very comfortable at failing 90% of the time.
- Either you’ll get the thing you want, or you will get something that you never even knew available.
Most people don’t get the job they want because they don’t actually go for the job they want.
- They see what’s available on monster.com or LinkedIn
The reason why most people don’t get the money they want is they don’t ask for the money that they want.
- A survey was taken of over a hundred and sixty thousand people who actually really believed that they deserve to make more money and two-thirds of those people never even asked for a raise.
- The seventy percent the people who did ask for a raise got it.
The ten percent target gives you the resilience to be comfortable.
- When you are comfortable with asking for the small things in life, it gives you the skills, habit and the confidence to ask for the big things in life.
- The more you do something over and over again; that becomes your new normal.
- Just like how you would train your body to be strong, you train your brain to be bold.
- Write down anything you want most in life and then make ten attempts at it.
- The idea is you are chasing what you want and not just taking what you can get.
- Either you get the one thing you want or you get the thing that you were meant to do.
craving and resource from “The Secret to Getting Anything You Want in Life” by Jennifer Cohen – TEDx Talks