ICRAVE Believing In My Worth

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Altering your beliefs about yourself is the key to achieving your dreams and goals, and realizing a true life of significance.

“There’s a governor on our lives, and it’s our identity — what we think we’re worth; what we think we deserve.”

Motivational Speaker Ed Mylett
  • A good person in any endeavor will only take what he thinks he deserves.
    • In other words, a good person will not take more from the table of life than what he thinks he’s worth.

Our self-imposed governor on our identity is like a thermostat. 

  • Say you’re a 75-degree person. If things start heating up in life, you start experiencing more success, your life gets going.
    • You unconsciously find a way to cool things back down…to get back to where we’re comfortable.
  • On the flip side, when things take a turn for the worse — when you’re broke, when you’re struggling — you grind and find a way to heat them back up to the point we think we deserve.
    • Over time, you always find yourself in that 75-degree comfort zone.
  • BUT to alter your life, is to alter that governor of self-identity
    • To start to believe that you’re worth 85 degrees of life, 90 degrees of life or 95 degrees of life.

Image result for reconstuction zone

Re-source: Rebuild

to make extensive repairs to : to make extensive changes in

Both your behaviors and associations are key to altering your beliefs about yourself, which are the path to getting (and giving) more out of life.

  • Put yourself in circumstances that demand you to get outside your comfort zone. 
    • Throw yourself out there past where you are comfortable
    • Make yourself do something that an 85-degree person would do, and knock it out of the park.
    • When you do that repetitiously, you begin to believe in that new level of identity.
  • Surround yourself with people who operate at a higher level than you. 
    • For example, if you’re a 70-degree athlete, and you start training with other athletes who operate at an 85-degree level, you’re going to level up.
    • As Ed Mylett says, “Your identity, through osmosis, goes up.”

craving and resource from “Change That Up” – changethatup.com