“I decide how I feel, no matter the circumstances”
- Have you ever noticed how unhappy people seemed to get upset over just about anything?
- Did you also notice that they have a lot to be unhappy about?
- When you adopt the mindset that you are in control over how you feel, you know that nothing has the power to make you unhappy.
- Only your thoughts can do that.
- You decide what every even means and you can choose to see the blessing in everything.
- When you are putting out better energy, better is attracted to you, and you notice more of the magic all around you.
“I have so much to be thankful for”
- Happy people are happy because they appreciate more than unhappy people.
- The goal is never to accumulate wealth and things, it’s to get to a place where you feel like you have everything.
- Because that is all it is, a feeling.
- Feel blessed, and you’ll be blessed.
- Feel blessed, and you are blessed!
“Being myself attracts the RIGHT people”
- One of the greatest tragedies of human beings is that the majority change who they are to fit into the world.
- They believe being like someone else will make them fit in better with others, be liked by others.
- Be yourself, and the right people for you will show up. The right people will love the real you.
- “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
“I am capable of ANYTHING”
- Successful people know with absolute certainty, anything they believe can be their reality.
- That change you’ve been putting off; believe you can do it and go for it!
“Kindness always wins”
- If someone tripped you over once while you were walking, you wouldn’t let that person stop you from walking would you?
- You be kind, because that’s who you are, not because you want something out of it, like a transaction.
- Do good by others, and treat others how you want to be treated, because you know what when someone like you does good, no matter how small, the world is a better place.
“Everything is a blessing or a lesson”
- We have all been through hard times. Some people who have been through minor hard times believe that their life is far less because of the event. Others, who have been through pure hell, believe at some level, it was sent as either a lesson or a blessing.
- Believe there was a reason for you past. Believe it was sent to make you stronger, better, and more compassionate.
“I have so much to offer”
- What would you attempt, what could you achieve if you knew your best was yet to come?
- “My best is yet to come” – Live that belief. Create something!
Re-source: Reflections
Most people drift through life with no sense of purpose, direction or true joy.
- They pay no attention to the fact that they aren’t happy, and never address the mindset and choices that let to that unhappiness.
- But if they did, they might be able to reverse it.
Most people have limiting beliefs and so their life is limited.
- They believe life is hard, full of sadness and misery.
- They believe at some level, consciously or subconsciously, that their best days are behind them.
- They believe fitting in and wearing masks will get them a better or easier life, then being their true self and following their true passions.
- Their happiness is dependent on ‘what happens’.
- They’re not in control of life; life is in control of them.
A reasonable life can be achieved by anyone. If you want a great life, you must commit to leading a great life. To doing things the majority do not do.
- Life is what you make it. Make it magical.
craving and resource from “7 Beliefs You Must Have to Live a Great Life” – Your Beliefs Shape Your Reality! – by Fearless Soul