ICRAVE Belief in My Own Desire

Find something that you want and focus on it unequivocally. 

Don’t speak against your desire. If you do, you cause a kind of separation where you pinch yourself off from the fullness of who you are. 

  • That pinched off state of being feels to you like negative emotion. 

Your emotions are your indicators of how in alignment you are or how you are contradicting your own desire.

  • Those two perspectives are present within you when you have a desire that you don’t believe.
    • “I want more money, but…”
    • It remains that way because when you keep that vibration active as a belief, then you desire can’t get out ahead it.

In this physical body you have a co-creation role to play between you and your non-physical counterpart. 

  • There is a vibrational reality that is the beginning of all things that are coming.

“Get out ahead of it.”  Your desire got out ahead of belief. 

  • “Out ahead” of it can be translated as it hasn’t been manifested yet.
    • The potential is out ahead of the reality.
  • The seed in the ground is out ahead of the corn stock that will grow.
    • If the farmer did not believe in the process of the seed becoming the corn, than he would not have planted the seed. 
  • So often humans don’t plant the seed because they want the corn to show up right now. 
  • In terms of everything, when you launch your rocket of desire, that is a seed that is germinating in this vibrational reality, and being tended by the gardener of all gardeners (source energy).
    • It will become that which you want it to be, but you will not witness it if you are contrary to your own desire. 

Image result for belief becomes reality

Re-source: Realization

You have to find a way to believe in your own desire.  You got to believe that there is a vibration that is becoming a thought, and a thought that is becoming an impulse, and an impulse that is becoming a manifestation.

  • Let’s start watching for the evidence of your desires turning to things that you can witness, rather than needing the thing to be there first so that you can then believe it.
    • Humans say “I’ll believe it when I see it.”  You have to believe it before you see it or you can’t see it.

Everything that you asked for is all cued up and the path is being given to you in the form ideas, and the form of impulses.  There is a steady stream of “path” coming to you.  We turn thought into things.

  • How do you turn vibration into see it, smell it, taste it, touch it? 

You don’t turn into it, you tune into it. Tune into the realization of it.

  • Your television is emitting a signal, and your tuner receives the signal and the manifestation appears on the screen.
    • It is not different from that.

It is not about finding your path; it is about knowing and understanding that your path is coming right to you. 

  • You just want to step on it at the right, exact time.

By the amount of attention you give to the frequency that you are emitting to your allowing, you feel your signal become strong. 

  • Feel how you are emitting something entirely different than before. 
  • Feel the clarity and sureness. 
  • Feel how that signal is matching all your thoughts to things. 

In the way that source is flowing it to you has always been. 

  • There is nothing between you receiving everything that you have been asking for and the full manifestation of it, except for the shield that you have put up there.

How does the realization come?  It is an impulse whether you know why or not.  Then you realize that you have been on your path already and didn’t even know it.  You just followed the impulse. 

  • You have the ability to find periods of time where you ignore the conditions of your experience, and focus on the emotions that you seek to accomplish. 
  • Stay there long enough where momentum can ensue.
  • You have to know what the realizations look like.  They feel like a positive feeling.  They look like an impulse to do something.  
  • You are the attractor of your experience.

 “You can’t get there from here.  What you do is prepare here, and there comes over here.”

craving and resource from “Law of Attraction” by Abraham Hicks