ICRAVE Being My Own Advisor

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Deep down within all of us is a fount of wisdom. This is called intuition.

  • Listening to your intuition is a slow-learned process.
  • It starts by recognizing that tiny inner voice or feeling that will tell you when you’ve done something you shouldn’t have.
    • Conscience – you know when you did something bad
  • The key is when you hear your intuition telling you whether something is the right thing to do or not – before you do it.
    • follow your inner voice
  • It’s an incredibly still, quiet voice and needs silence and concentration to hear it properly.
  • For some it is more a feeling than a voice (gut instinct)

If you are going to trust any adviser, it makes sense for it to be you because no one can get inside you and see exactly what’s going on.

  • You already know the answer, if you ask yourself.

Image result for depend to rely on

Re-source: Reliance

Try running stuff past your inner you before doing things and see what reaction you get.

  • Imagine, in any situation, that you have a small child standing at your side and you have to explain things to them.
  • Imagine that he or she asks questions – “Why are you doing this? What’s right and wrong? Should we do this? – and you have to answer.
  • Only in this situation, you ask the questions and you answer yourself.

You’ll find you already know everything there is to know and everything you’ll ever need to know.

It isn’t about predicting. It is about the important stuff, like big decisions we have to make, why we are behaving in the way we are.

craving and resource from “The Rules of Life” – A Personal Code for Living a Better, Happier, More Successful Life – by Richard Templar