ICRAVE Being Enterprising

An enterprising person explores all options and boldly seizes every opportunity.

  • An opportunity is always looking for a way to gain the advantage, no matter what it takes; they’re seeking a means to an end.
  • The enterprising individual positions himself or herself to take advantage of legitimate opportunities that arise without exploiting others.

The reason many businesses fail is because they’re so wrapped up in daily operations that they don’t see the countless available opportunities.  That’s where this skill helps us refocus. 

  • You can usually count on enterprising people to be prepared to act when the occasion presents itself. 
  • Many people never see it, many aren’t prepared for it, some don’t act fast enough
    • or others just let these possibilities slip through their fingers.

It isn’t simply taking advantage; it’s developing a mind-set to actively seek opportunities. 

  • Maybe it’s a new school, or an educational prospect, or an introduction to someone that could enhance your career
    • you fill in the blanks. 
  • We need to sensitize our mind-set to evaluate every opportunity that comes our way (irrespective of how small), in both our personal and business lives.

Enterprising means showing initiative, a willingness to undertake new projects, and a strong desire for success and achievement

  • All qualities that support the role of the entrepreneur.

Image result for reflection

Re-source: Reflection

If you are an enterprising person, you’ll see the following characteristics in yourself:

  • The ability to “think outside the box” facing difficult problems and developing solutions.
  • A dedication to advancing both yourself and your organization through a clear mission, while fostering a culture that supports and encourages imaginative and creative solutions.
  • The determination to succeed, which also lend itself to another important trait for enterprising individuals: self-confidence.
  • The tendency to spend a lot of time working alone – something that’s paramount to business success.
    • This emphasizes entrepreneurs’ understanding of sacrifice, and how short-term hard work will pay off with long-term rewards.

Entrepreneurs have a strong desire to lead rather than follow

  • They seek out opportunities that specifically provide a great deal of autonomy. 
  • They seek out change, rather than fearing it.

Entrepreneurs and enterprising individuals always display a willingness to go against the crowd and stand above.  They take advantage of difficult situations and don’t allow them to become burdens. 

As with any skill, there are a number of pitfalls to avoid:

  • Failing to evaluate and analyze the potential risks involved and developing a plan to address them early on.
  • Failing to constantly communicate with others involved, ensuring that they understand what is required of them, verifying that they have the necessary resources and/or skills, and are empowered and authorized to complete the tasks for which they are being held accountable.

Enterprising people understand exactly what to do when opportunity knocks.

craving and resource from “Surviving Your Serengeti” by Stefan Swanepoel