Becoming great takes time and dedication.
- It takes a willingness to accept that you are not yet good enough.
- It takes the ability to stare at the places that you know that you’re weak.
- To really look at those things and not let it affect your sense of self-esteem and self-worth, so that you can still get the momentum going
- But you have to understand that in the beginning, we are all terrible
Your first 10,000 Photographs are your worst.
Henry Cartier-Bresson
Face how inadequate you are and in the end, understand that greatness is a craft.
- Greatness is a process and a habit.
- Greatness is the little things that you do over and over, day after day.
- Overtime going out every day unafraid of if this is one of the 10,000 terrible things that you’re going to do
- To be unafraid to make those mistakes and being unafraid that you’re not yet great

Re-source: Relentless
Courage doesn’t always roar, sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, “I WILL TRY AGAIN TOMORROW.”
Mary Anne Radmacher
- If you want to be great, that’s what you have to do.
- You have got to get up again tomorrow and be willing to face another day.
- You have to be willing to accept that you’ve got to get through the bad ideas before you can get to the good ones.
You’ve got to understand that you have to start as an apprentice.
- That you should be looking up to somebody else seeing what they can teach you because what you know is that you are there to learn.
- that you are there to get you through the ten thousand bad photographs that you need to get through to ultimately achieve greatness
Don’t make the catastrophic error that so many make, to try to tell the world that you’re extraordinary today, and try to make the world look up to you and follow you.
- The people that that are the best and are winning today are the ones that listen; the ones that spend every ounce of their energy amassing mastery, getting better every day.
- working their asses off to improve their skill set
- to relentlessly look at the things that they are not doing well
- to understand that they have to break themselves down and get rid of all of their ego, before they can really find greatness
- Those are the people that we remember.
So if you want to be remembered, if you want to achieve real greatness, you just need to have the courage to show up every day.
- To take another swing, take another photo, try another task, do something that scares you, and do those little things over and over and over, until you win.
craving and resource from Tom Bilyeu: Achieving Greatness