ICRAVE Awareness of Background “Noise”

Image result for background noise

The big challenge in becoming more aware is that there’s just so much noise.

  • It’s like someone in your home that plays a really bad song too often.
  • After a while it’s been on for so long that you become immune to it.
    • like it’s just there and it’s still on
    • It’s there in the back of your mind and you didn’t manage to turn it off.

The noise in life, whether it’s your parents expectations, society’s expectations, your partner’s expectations; all of those are like noise in the background.

  • That noise drowns out your ability to understand the mind and the intelligence.
    • that’s one of the biggest trip ups

The noise from outside makes us wanna fit into a container, and that stops us from differentiating between what my mind is saying, and what my intelligence is saying.

  • What happens is that noise becomes your voice?
  • That noise becomes what you think

Image result for you are who you associate with

Re-source: Reassociate

To associate again or anew; to connect (someone or something) with something else in one's mind

Switching your Association

  • If you’re only hearing the same thing from that circle, the only way to turn it off without you having to do mass amounts of reflection is changing your circle.
  • This means switching association to people that you hang out with.
    • We ultimately find the things we want to hear

craving and resource from “How to Find Your Purpose” | Jay Shetty on “Impact Theory”