ICRAVE Awareness of My Thoughts, Words, and Beliefs

Image result for thoughts create reality

The thoughts we’ve held and the words we’ve repeatedly used have created our life and experiences up to this point. 

  • Yet, that is past thinking; we’ve already done that. 
  • What we’re choosing to think and say, today, at this moment, will create tomorrow and the next day and the next week and the next month and the next year, and so on. 
  • The point of power is always in the present moment. 
    • This is where we begin to make changes.

How often have we said, “That’s the way I am,” or “That’s the way it is. 

  • What we’re really saying is that it is what we “believe to be true for us.” 
  • Usually what we believe is only someone else’s opinion that we’ve accepted and incorporated into our own belief system. 

If we were taught as a child that the world is a frightening place then everything we hear that fits in with that belief we will accept as true for us.

  • “Don’t trust strangers,” “Don’t go out at night,” “People cheat you,” and so on. 

On the other hand, if we were taught early in life that he world is a safe and joyous place, then we would believe other things, such as:

  • “Love is everywhere,” “People are so friendly,” and “Money comes to me easily.” 

Life experiences mirror our beliefs.

Image result for My Thoughts, Words, and Beliefs

Re-source: Reveal

to open up to view : display

Stop for a moment and catch your thought.  What are you thinking right now? 

  • If thoughts shape your life and experiences, would you want this thought to become true for you? 
  • If it’s a thought or worry, anger, hurt, or revenge, how do you think that this thought will come back for you? 

If we want a joyous life, we must think joyous thoughts. 

  • Whatever we send out mentally or verbally will come back to us in life form.

If you hear yourself saying something three times, write it down. 

  • It has become a pattern for you. 
  • At the end of the week, look at the list you’ve made and you’ll see how your words fit your experiences. 

Be willing to change your words and thoughts and watch your life change. 

  • The way to control your life is to control your choice of words and thoughts. 
  • No one thinks in your mind but you.

craving and resource from “Heal Your Body” by Louise L. Hay

Image result for “Heal Your Body” by Louise L. Hay