ICRAVE Awareness of My False Self-Concept

The false self (the ego) says, “Who I am is what I accumulate.” 

  • What are our attachments? 
  • Our attachments are our beliefs that without this, I can’t be happy. 

The false self ego also says, “Who I am is what I do.” 

  • What I achieve, what I accomplish. 
  • We think that if we don’t accomplish something, that we are not valuable.

The problem with “Who I am is what I do,” is the same as the problem “Who I am is what I have.” 

  • When I don’t or when I can’t, then I am not.  This is when you see depression, suicides, loss of value.

False self also says, “Who I am is what other people think of me.”

  • “Who I am is my reputation.” 
  • We are being consumed with how we are viewed. 
  • Our false self concept is something we have been trained in.
  • Many times we go through life being consumed with how others are perceiving you. 
  • We are training ourselves to believe that what you think of me is something that ought to dictate to me what I do.
    • when it really should be, “What you think of me is none of my business.”
  • A response to someone not liking you is asking yourself, “Do you like you?”

Image result for false self

Re-source: Reconceive

“If you want to elevate your life to a higher place, then the only thing you have available for yourself to do what is your concept of yourself.  And your concept of yourself is everything you believe to be true about yourself.  So now you have to take a look at what it is that you would like to be able to create for yourself – what it is you would like to achieve for yourself in your life, and if that is at a higher level, then in order to be able to get there, you have to be able to change what you believe is true about yourself.  Because everything you believed about yourself until now that is true about yourself has gotten you to where you are.”  – Neville

  • Whatever it is that there is about you, has come from your concept of yourself
  • The concept of yourself is everything that you believe to be true about yourself.
  • So it really involves changing some of the things that you believe to be true about yourself. 
  • Being willing to change the conception of who you are and what you are capable of attracting and manifesting into your life.     

craving and resource from “Making the Shift” – How to Live Your True Divine Purpose – by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer