ICRAVE Awareness Healing

Once you open the door to awareness, you won’t fight against the fear and insecurity you have released.

Awareness has healing power if you simply “look and allow”

  • If a painful slight comes your way, you feel wounded.  Be with that feeling and it will dissipate

Your ego wants to remember the past out of the mistaken belief that you must keep defending yourself over and over.

  • Remembering what hurt us before, we direct our energies toward making certain that old hurt will not repeat itself
  • But trying to impose the past on the present will never wipe out the threat of being hurt
  • To correct this mistake, just ask yourself, “Do I recognize this feeling of being wounded?”  Is it old or new? 
    • If you are being honest, you will immediately see that it is a very old feeling. 
    • The past is reaching out to grab you. 
  • Now ask the next question.  “How much has it ever done me to remember my own hurts?”
    • If you are honest, you will see that it has done you no good
    • If recalling old hurts prevented you from being hurt here and now, you wouldn’t feel so bad.  You wouldn’t be so vulnerable to external disapproval.

Re-source: Response/Ability

the state or fact of having a duty to deal with something or of having control

Using simple awareness, you can diffuse old hurts by no longer clinging to the belief that they are doing you some good.

  • The ego has many subtle ways of persuading you that you must repeat today all the tactics that didn’t work yesterday.
    • Instead of playing this game, just witness what is going on
    • Your past contains joy, success, love, and fulfillment.  The ego whispers, “See, you are on the right track, I will bring you more of the same. Trust me.”
    • By bringing up insecurity of the past, but mixing it with memories of fulfillment, the ego convinces you of an illusion that one day your self-image will be ideal.
      • You will look in the mirror and see only the good things that created your self-image and none of the bad.
      • Ironically by pursuing an ideal you wind up losing your true self which is ideal to begin with

Seek Responsibility – Give up blame and guilt

  • Escaping your unhappiness today means finding a creative way to alter your conditioned response which is rooted in yesterday.
  • When you don’t take responsibility, you are putting your faith into someone else’s hands.
  • If you blame someone else, you are waiting for that person to change so that you can feel better.  How long does that take?  You could be waiting for the rest of your life.
  • It is difficult enough to change yourself, release the need to change anyone else.

craving and resource from “The Ultimate Happiness Prescription” – the 7 keys to joy and enlightenment – by Deepak Chopra)