ICRAVE Authenticity

What does it mean to be authentic?

  • real or genuine
  • not copied or false
  • true and accurate

Is it important for us to be authentic and to have authentic relationships? Why or why not? How can we live more authentic lives? How can we practice being Authentic?

  • Communication is an important part of any authentic relationship. There is no way really to know a person without it. The problem is that it is difficult and requires commitment.

Authenticity requires self-knowledge and self-awareness. Authentic people accept their strengths and weaknesses. They are accountable. They are connected to their values and desires and act deliberately in ways that are consistent with those qualities.

Re-source: Reflections

Creating an authentic life

  • Redefine your values
    • Get clear on what you care about
  • Foster an open mind.
    • Authenticity flourishes when we experience the world wholly, from every perspective. Rigid, good/bad thinking keeps us trapped in judgment and limitation, which causes us to shut down our vulnerable, authentic self. Challenge yourself to look at all sides of the situation. Be open.
  •  Fill in the blank: If you really knew me you’d know this: ___________.
  •  Notice when you are being inauthentic
  • Trust your intuition

There is no right or wrong way to interact with someone. There is no right or correct way to be.  What feels right for one person may feel wrong for another.  What matters most is what feels right for you. 

When you are yourself…

  • you think more flexibly
  • you respond more quickly
  • you become far more engaging
  • your likability will come through

craving from http://life.gaiam.com/article/how-achieve-authentic-happiness

resource from http://life.gaiam.com/article/5-ways-live-authentic-life