ICRAVE Attraction Awareness

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A fascinating study showed that any person who is the recipient of an act of kindness has their serotonin levels increased.

  • The more serotonin that you have in the body and brain, the better you feel.
  • It’s the well-being feeling that antidepressants are designed to stimulate.
  • Just because they received an act of kindness, their immune system is strengthened.

Secondly, any person who is the giver/provider of an act of kindness; their serotonin levels are increased to the same degree that they are in the receiver, and so is their immune system strengthened.

  • You want to strengthen your immune system be kind to another person.  It’s like a dose of an antidepressant.

Your view of the world really depends upon how much you respect yourself and how much love you have for yourself.

“If you squeeze an orange, you get out of it orange juice.  When someone squeezes you, puts pressure on you, or says something about you that you don’t like; out of you comes anger, hatred, bitterness, tension, fear, anxiety, depression, worry, and stress.  It’s not because of who did the squeezing, the instrument they use, or the timing; it has to do with what’s inside.”

  • How do you go about doing this?  Be in a state of love and spend your life in a state of cooperation rather than competition.
    • When you are in a state of love and not having resistance, there is collaboration with fate.
  • Whenever you judge another human being, you do not define them with your judgment, you define yourself as someone who needs to judge.

Believe, know, and be certain that you can attract abundance into your life.

  • Source is an endless supply. It’s like the ocean. 
  • You can take ten million gallon tank to the ocean of abundance.  
    • You can take it out every hour, or you can take a thimble once a year and the ocean doesn’t care. 
    • It makes no difference to the ocean because everything returns to this source.
  • Every time you find a coin, always say thank you.  This is a symbol of abundance that always flows into your life.
    • Never say, “How come only a dime?”

Don’t come this source with what is missing, because it doesn’t know about what’s missing.

  • When you say please give me what is missing, it’ll just reaffirm your belief in things being missing. 
  • You have to come to this source being abundant, in a state of gratitude, by being thankful for all that you are. 
  • See yourself as attracting more and more, and being willing to give it away.
    • “It is my intention to attract ideal people and ideal relationships into my life.”
    • “This universal source is what I call an equal opportunity provider.”
      • It doesn’t show up and judge one as better than any other.

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Re-source: Receptive

able or inclined to receive : open and responsive to ideas, impressions, or suggestions : fit to receive and transmit stimuli

Are you receptive to everyone? 

  • When you have receptivity, you practice infinite patience, are being the kind of person you wish to attract, and you want it more for others than you do for yourself.
  • See yourself from the end, and see yourself as having all of the right people showing up.
    • Act as if they’re already here because that’s what the source is.

When you’re in this place of being receptive, kind, loving, and abundant; the universe conspires with you to create the right people, and the right things shows up.

  • It’s called surrender.  

“We convince others by our presence.”

Walt Whitman
  • People will feel calmer when they’re around you.
  • Low energy people can never bring you down
  • Your presence makes other people feel energized
  • Your presence makes others feel connected and uplifted
  • Your presence makes others people feel purposeful
    • it inspires them to greatness

craving and resource from “SYNCHRONICITY / The Law Of Attraction” by Wayne Dyer on Motivation Manifested