Attraction is that mysterious, seemingly elusive magnetism between people.
- We attract who we are
Attraction masterminds love, friendship, work, and the chemistry of shared ventures.
- Seeing the beauty and goodness in people magnetizes them.
You can’t completely control it, but you can modify your vibes to maximize possibilities.
- Soulful giving generates abundance.
We all have our good and bad points. Everyone has irritating, challenging, and disappointing aspects. What sets positive people apart, though, is a determination to do their best, and not succumb to let go of your idealized expectations
- A positive person is someone who’s hugging the moment.

Re-source: Re-intuit
Intuition clarifies smart choices. Recognize your body’s intuitions about vibes.
- Energy feels expansive
- like walking into a field of light.
- Feeling an openness of spirit and heart
- Feeling elevated and excited
- A sense of fearless
- “I can be myself and not be harmed.”
craving and resource from “Positive Energy” by Judith Orloff