ICRAVE Aspirations

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Four primary aspirations are love, abundance, purpose, and enlightenment.

  • Only when we are in tune with our inner field of energy and creativity are we capable of achieving these aspirations with ease and joy. 
  • The best way to evaluate whether we are moving in the direction of greater well-being is by listening to our inner messages of comfort or distress.

“Know thyself. He who knows others is wise.  He who knows himself is enlightened.”

  • See life as a journey of self-discovery

Enthusiasm is the natural state of wonder and excitement that each of us knew as children and deserves to recapture if it has been lost. 

  • It literally means “filled with spirit.”
  • Realize that unlimited access to your inner ocean of vital energy is as close as your next breath.

Image result for self discovery

Re-source: Rediscover

Embark on a journey of self-discovery.  By listening to your inner voice, the direction for your soul’s journey will be set.

  • “Who am I at my core?”
  • “What do I really want?”

Listen to the quiet voice within you for the answers.  Record your inner dialogue to see your intentions and desires manifesting themselves in your life. 

  • Why are you the person you are? 
  • Why do you respond to situations and circumstances the way you do? 
  • Why are you attracted to certain people, places, and ideas while you are repulsed by others? 
  • What are your unique talents, and are you making the most of them? 
  • Are you living your life to the fullest extent possible?

craving and resource from “Vital Energy” – The 7 Key to Invigorate Body, Mind & Soul – by David Simon, M.D.