ICRAVE Ascension Programs

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A computer has hardware, software, power, memory, and access to the Internet. Human beings are similar.  Our physical body is the “hardware”.  Our thoughts and actions are like software programs.

As we go about our day, we have the opportunity to run “programs”. 

  • Just like with a computer, almost everything we do with our lives is a program. 
    • For example, when we go to work, we are “running” that program. 
    • If we are watching TV, we are choosing to run the program of “watching TV”.
  • We also run deeper programs that establish the architecture of what we are capable of doing.  
    • For example, our religious beliefs, educational background, and professional training – all of these belief systems are programs.  

Programs make up who we are and determine what we do and what we are capable of doing.

  • Many of these programs are running in the background without us even realizing it.  
    • Habits are programs.
    • Emotional traumas are programs.  
  • Anything that repeats is a program.  

Run New Programs for Ascension – We can upgrade to our “hardware” (our physical body) as well as our “software” (our thoughts and emotions).

  • Once we have the new hardware and are running a new program, we are capable of running new applications (knowledge, behaviors and sensations) that were not possible before.  
    • You become a brand new YOU!

Ascension is a process.  It does not happen overnight.  

  • Just like with a computer, the more important the program is, the longer it can take to download.  
  • And it can be hard to run any other programs while we are upgrading our operating system.  

Ascension does not “end” once we have the new download, we still have to “run it”, which means living our lives with our new found perspective and energy frequency. 

  • We may also require frequent “updates” in the form of life lessons, or encounter “bugs” that must be removed for our life to run smoother.

The ascension process can be very challenging because, in order to run the new program, we often have to stop running our old programs! 

  • This means we might have to reduce or eliminate certain relationships that no longer resonate with our new self. 
    • Work relationships, personal relationships and family relationships can become strained if we are ascending while the people around us are not.

Re-source: Recondition

Turn off the media.  There is very little information available in the mainstream media that will assist you with your ascension process.  

  • Most of it will simply encourage you to follow old programs.  
  • Instead, spend more time in nature.  
    • Do yoga and meditate.  Listen to uplifting music.  Paint. Dance. Sing.  Be a kid again!  
  • Focus on producing your life from the inside out, rather than giving your energy to something external.

Change your diet.  Eating too much of the wrong food can block your ability to download and run the new ascension program.  

  • You need a clear healthy mind which requires a clear and healthy digestive system.  
  • Your organs and the rest of your physical systems have to be cleansed and energized in order to provide the circuitry necessary to engage in the ascension process.

Heal your past or delete it.  Your past memories can hold you back from accessing the ascension energy because we tend to cling to our past for security reasons or because we are unwilling to change.  

  • For some of us, letting go of our past means to deeply reflect on the important lessons that we learned and completely forgive whoever it was who caused us trauma.  
  • For others, it means to break away from a current program and eliminate it completely from our lives.  
  • Deleting a program could mean quitting a job, ending a relationship, or unwinding some other investment we have made that is no longer serving our path to ascension.

Defragment your hard drive (soul retrieval).  This means we have to find all of the parts of our energy that we have scattered about and make our Self whole again (“wholeness”). 

  • It is difficult to run the Ascension program if we are trying to run 10 other programs at the same time.  
  • In order to enjoy the ascension process, many of us will have to simplify our lives. 
  • Often we have to re-wire our lives so that maybe we no longer need to “be” 10 different people for all of our various different social circles, professional circles, community circles, or other special interests.  
  • When we let go of all of these various egos and refine ourselves down to a single, peaceful and powerful sovereign being, we can tap into and run the ascension program to its fullest.

Let others be as they are.  We cannot force anyone else to upgrade their lives. 

  • We can offer others our ascended energy, and in this way, we are helping them to become aware that a new program is available.  
  • But don’t fret if others don’t upgrade right away or continue stuck in their old program.  
  • For now, we have to let others be as they are and let them upgrade when they are ready.  

Stop trying. The ascension process is not about trying so much as it is about “being”. 

  • Ascension is not about trying, or comparing ourselves to others, it’s about feeling, being, playing, and breathing the energy that is running up our spine and flowing out of our heart

craving and resource from “Ascension 101” – How to Embody Your Divine Essence – by St Jermain (balanceinme.com)
