ICRAVE Appreciating Money

It’s not a matter of how much money you make or how much money you have, it’s more about your attitude toward money and the relationship you have with money gives you happiness or a miserable life.

  • Western people tend to think, “I need more money to be happy.”
  • Zen approaches instead focus on, “How can you find satisfaction in what you have.”

If you want money you have to think about what you can give to other people, and how much service you can give out to the world; and then you receive money.

  • Don’t focus on money because money is the end result of what we get after serving the world.
  • Instead of focusing on what you get, you have to really focus on what you give.

If you start appreciating everything about your life including money, your life will be filled with money and appreciation.

  • If your life is filled with resentment, anger, and fear around money, your life will also be surrounded by fear, resentment, and anxiety.
  • So, it’s important how to focus instead of just getting the end result of money.

Wealth is an emotion.  It doesn’t really matter how much you have or how much you make. Some millionaires and billionaires are very unhappy and very upset with everything.

  • Wealth is an attitude.  If you feel like you’re so happy and so content with what you have, you are already wealthy.
  • But, if you have to struggle everyday and you cannot find happiness either in your business or in personal life, you’re not wealthy even you have billions in your bank account.

Image result for receptive to money

Resource: Receptive

willing to consider or accept new suggestions and ideas : able or inclined to receive

The biggest problem especially today is that we are so afraid of money.   

  • As much as we want money, we are so scared of it.
  • It’s because of our money trauma that we we’ve had since our childhood.
    • We been scolded about money or we have been denied a soccer, ballet, or piano lessons because it’s expensive.  
    • We may have been taught, “you are not worth it.”

You have to start watching your language around money.

  • A lot of people say, “I was ripped off.”
  • There is so much negative language around money.
  • We have to use positive words around money otherwise money will not like you.

Pay attention to how you relate to money.  

  • If money were a person, who would it be like?  
    • Is that person a gentle person or a hungry person?
  • You have to be very careful and respectful for money.
    • Perhaps, make futon bed for your wallet to show respect.  “While I rest, money and credit cards, please rest here too.”.

Unless you show respect to the money coming in and money going out (both ways), you cannot really feel peaceful around money.

  • You have to really pay close attention to your emotions.
  • Thank your money when money comes in, whether in a form of government check, a salary, or commission. 
    • Whatever the money you receive, say “thank you.”

It doesn’t cost you anything, and once you start appreciating money coming in, and money going out, you start appreciating other things.

  • This a out opens a door to a new life which is full of appreciation.
  • Appreciation melts fear and anxiety. 
  • If you start and keep appreciating money coming and going out, you cannot worry about money at the same time because a human mind can focus only on one thing at a time.

Start giving more; something a little extra to show your appreciation.

  • It doesn’t really matter if you’re a florist, cleaner, business lawyer or a dentist; if you start giving something, you get more.
  • This is the law, “If you give more, you receive more.” And then there is more to appreciate in your life.
  • Your life would shift.  Your whole energy would be so different, full, and content.
    • And people want to do business with happier people.
  • The people with radiance of appreciation often attracts more people and more opportunities.

craving and resource from Ken Honda on “Impact Theory” with Tom Bilyeu