ICRAVE An Inspired Life

All of us are entitled to an inspired life:

  • passionate work and relationships
  • playful downtime to refuel 
  • Do what tickles you, large or small
    • don’t act just because you think you should.
  • You can’t be creative without inspiration
  • When you’re inspired you can’t wait to get up in the morning. 
  • You’re not fighting the flow – you’re digging it. 
  • Inspiration brightens the light around you.
    • People instinctively respond.

Re-source: Replenishment

Savor the miracle of small moments.

On the path to heart, accountable for what recharges your total energy.  Defend every atom of your resources. 

Salute to everyone who’s prepared to make a commitment to counteract pressure and opt for ongoing replenishment. 

Enact such earth-shaking change now.  The energy of the moment is the unforeseen gift we’ve been given.  It’s up to us to cherish it.

craving and resource from “Positive Energy” by Judith Orloff