Human civilization has created ever more sophisticated examples of what we have always called genius. A greater percentage of the world’s population than ever before in human history now lives an inspired and energetic life.
The progress of the generations is a progress of inspiration, faith, and confidence, and ever-increasing levels of inner energy.
- At the most minute levels, the atoms of our bodies fade away into mere patterns of energy, vibratory waves that can shift form and reconstitute themselves in amazing ways.
- How else can we explain events such as spontaneous healing in which tumors disappear or tissues regenerate virtually overnight?
If you speak with sports and exercise enthusiast of all persuasions, you will find that most engage in the activity not because of the thrill of winning or to improve their appearance, but because of the inner rewards they feel.
- Running and other aerobic exercises bring on the thrill and euphoria of overcoming “the wall,” that feeling that one can go no further.
- And once the strenuous activity is over, participants report that they feel lighter, calmer, more coordinated, able to move more easily.
- We engage in sports and aerobic exercises because during and afterward we sense we are stronger, more energized, even smarter.
- The performance envelope is constantly being pushed and old records give way to new excellence.
- The four minute mile, every so-called barrier will be crossed.
- We continue to move faster with better coordination and timing and lightness.
- Pushing the envelope of human ability
- Many consider these attribute the optimal result of yogic practice.
- The outcome of years of meditation and movement practice.
Once enough of us understand and experientially prove that the principle of tithing works, we will embrace this process fully.
- Synchronistically giving a percentage of our income to the sources we feel urged to support. (a giving economy)
The new world, as we have seen, can be one of great creativity and personal fulfillment.
Re-source: Reenvision
We are, in our essence, conscious fields of intention, and what we think we know, what we believe, is broadcast outward into the midst of everyone else, and into the cosmos which, to a great extent, gives us the future we imagine.
- As our awareness of this ability grows, our power will be increased, and our ethical decisions will be empowered.
“Our greatest urge is toward psychological wholeness and self-actualization of our inner potential.
– Carl Jung
- In this journey, we are aided by already established pathways in the brain, which Carl Jung called archetypes.
- As we grow psychologically, we can realize, or activate, these archetypes and in so doing progress toward self-actualization.
Our general assumptions act on the world just like our more conscious intentions or prayers.
- Unfortunately, this effect seems to operate in a negative direction as well.
Everything, including ourselves, is nothing more than a field of energy, of light, all interacting and influencing each other.
- As both science and mysticism demonstrate, humans are in essence a field of energy.
Our challenge is to look closely at ourselves, to identify our particular set of assumptions and the intentions that constitute our drama, and to find another experience that allows us to open up to our energy within.
craving and resource from “The Celestine Vision” by James Redfield