ICRAVE An Accomplished Life

What have you accomplished in your life?

  • What have you achieved?  What things did you want and then went out and got?  They may be part of your life now, or they may be long gone.
    • Schooling, people, relationship, family, health, etc.
    • Keep the list running, and read through from time to time to remind you of how much you have done, how much you have created, and how much more is available to you in the future.
    • No Regrets – Without regretting anything, imagine what you could have achieved if all these accomplishments had been pointed in a single direction – if all this effective, creative energy had been directed toward fulfilling your heart’s desire.
  • The only difference between a happy ending and an unhappy ending is where they put the closing credits.
  • People tend to forget what they’ve accomplished.  They tend to forget how much they have created.  They tend to forget how powerful they are.

“Procrastination is the fear of success…”                           – Denis Waitley

“A poor person who is happy is in a better position than a rich person who is unhappy, because the poor person has hope.  He thinks money would help.”                   – Jean Kerr

“We can do no great things – only small things with great love.”                 – Mother Teresa

What do I want?           

  • “A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices.”                                          – William James
  • Asking for the highest good of all concerned allows your true dreams to surface. 

Re-source: Reassessment

Make three piles of cards or lists (WANTS – QUALITIES and ABILITIES – LIMITATIONS) and fill them out.

  • Take each category of wants and imagine what your life would be like in the next five years if you had a good number of those wants.
    • Explore both the good and the bad, the up side and the side
    • Be neither too romantic nor too cynical.  Take a look at it “straight on.”
    • Would this life fulfill your purpose?
  • Select the one WANT you want the most (Your Big Dream)
    • Eliminate all wants that are in direct opposition to your Big Dream
    • In the new pile write, “I am going to” instead of WANT
  • For each LIMITATION in the limitations pile, ask yourself how you can turn it into an advantage.
    • How can it be an ally in fulfilling your Big Dream
    • Find a positive use for everything on your list.
      • Impatience? Be impatient for success.  Stubborn become determination, etc.
  • Write a positive attribute for each former limitation in larger letters on the same card. 
    • Any time you feel the limitation coming on, you can return to the card and see what the positive use for that former limitation might be.
    • Remember, it’s all your energy.  Align it toward your goal.
  • Review each QUALITY AND ABILITY  and imagine how each can be used to fulfill your Big Dream
    • Any LIMITATION still without a positive use?  Review what QUALITIES and ABILITIES would best help in overcoming each limitation? 
      • Let the qualities and abilities gang up.  Stack it in your favor.

craving and resource from “DO IT!” –  Let’s get of our buts – by John-Roger and Peter Mcwilliams