ICRAVE Allowing from Within

Image result for allow rather than interfere

Allow rather than interfere.

  • Live in the highest state of silent knowing, that place deep within you that can’t be communicated to any other.

Your need to be knowledgeable or dominant is replaced by the deep realization that it’s all irrelevant, and you lose interest in seeking approval. 

  • Those who care the least about approval seem to receive it the most.
  • Silence is your evidence of inner knowing. 
  • Talking to convince others actually says more about your need to be right than their need to hear what you have to say! 
  • Rather than trying to persuade others, keep quiet.
    • just enjoy that deeply satisfying inner awareness.
  • By being open to all possibilities, everyone who encounters you feels their ideas are valuable and there’s no need for conflict.

“The sage knows himself but makes no show of himself; loves himself but does not exalt himself.  He prefers what is within to what is without.”

  • There’s a pure, timeless energy that’s within everything on the planet and that remains uncontaminated by the solid appearance of form. 
  • To know this formless perfection, you must “understand the great within yourself.” 
    • You’re the central character in this wonderful saga!

Image result for without effort

Re-source: Relieve

Practice performing without effort in different areas of your life. 

  • By allowing the most talented artist dances softly, without effort; paints quietly without force; and writes easily without struggle.
  • Some marathon runners say that they’ve learned to relax and stop pushing, letting their legs, arms, and torso simple be as their bodies begin experiencing extreme exhaustion, with only a few miles to go. 
  • They report that when they shut down the mental interference and instructions, they magically cross that finish line. 

“The way of illumination seems dark, going forward seems like retreat, the easy way seems hard, true power seems weak, true purity seems tarnished, true clarity seems obscure, the greatest art seems unsophisticated, the greatest love seems indifferent, the greatest wisdom seems childish.”

craving and resource from “Change your Thoughts, Change your Life” by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer