ICRAVE Aligned Vibration

We are vibrational beings.

  • We’re not just flesh and blood.
  • If you put anything under an intense microscope, you can ultimately see that everything is vibration.
    • It’s not solid, it’s always moving.

When we lift our vibration to what we want to experience, it happens first on a vibratory level and then it shows up and manifest in our life.

You cannot have what you’re not willing to become vibrationally. If you do get it you’ll lose it.

  • This is why people that win the lottery they lose everything.
  • They’ll finally get the person they think we can’t keep that can’t keep the relationship.
  • Or they’ll get a modicum of success but can’t hold on to it because inside they weren’t vibrationally aligned.
    • They really hadn’t become it.
  • People who are holding on to rank or animosity are slowing down their vibration.

Image result for lift your vibration

Re-source: Re-embodiment

a new embodiment of an abstract concept, quality, etc.

You can temporarily manipulate and get things, but to have it completely you have to lift your vibration and become that.

In vibration, you’re not really attracting things to you; you’re really radiating it. It’s really a radiation.

  • If you become the vibrational frequency of love harmony peace and you’re radiating that, it’s going to show up your my life.
  • You have to be it and radiate it, and then it comes.
    • It is drawn to you

craving and resource from “6 Things You Must Know About The Law of Attraction” by Michael Bernard Beckwith – from Fearless Soul