ICRAVE Acting and Directing My Own Life’s Movie

Think of your life like a movie. You are the main character in the “movie” that is your life.

  • As the main character in your movie, you make decisions, take actions, and make observations.
  • There is no “other” character that is more central to your life than you.

You are also the director of the movie that is your life. You organized the cast, you wrote the contextual background, and you staged the scenes. However, you have designed the structure of the movie in such a way that you “the character” does not know that you are also the director.

  • When you are not aware that you are the director of your life, your real life character can get stuck in repetitive and depressing dramas.

And just like most movies, there are always antagonists – those characters who are there to challenge us, to thwart our plans, to distract us from the goal.

  • But just like a movie, life would be boring without these antagonists, so we put them there on purpose to make things more interesting.
  • We can’t blame the antagonists for being who they are – they are there for our own benefit.
  • At the end of our lives, they will take a bow for their fine performance and then you will realize you were the one who put them there all along.

Image result for realization

Re-source: Realization

What most of us don’t realize is our mind is actually a critical tool in the directing of our life. When we think thoughts, consciously or subconsciously, we have an effect on the future outcome of our real lives.

  • This means if we think negative thoughts about a certain person, that person will “act out a response” to those thoughts that reflects the “lines” or “script” you have written for them.

We are the ones behind the scenes, directing everything!

But what about things that seem out of your control?

  • When you look back, you realize the negative event was necessary to create the next future outcome that will hopefully be more pleasant.

craving and resource from “Balance in Me” – balanceinme – blog by St Jermain

Balance In Me