Pain will only subside when we acknowledge it and care for it
- Addressing with love and compassion would take only a minuscule percentage of energy it takes to fight it
Pain is unrelenting. It will get our attention, despite our attempts to drown it in addiction, to suffocate it with material success or to strangle it with our hate.
- Approaching pain head on is terrifying
Most of were not taught how to recognize pain
- Name it and be with it
- Our families and culture believed that the vulnerability it takes to acknowledge pain was weakness, so we were taught anger, rage, and denial instead.
Resource: Rebuild
What we don’t know is that when we deny our emotion, it owns us. When we own our emotion, we can rebuild and find our way through the pain
Sometimes, owning our pain and bearing witness to our struggle means getting angry.
- When we deny ourselves the right to be angry, we deny our pain.
- Anger that is never transformed becomes resentment and bitterness.
- Courage is forged in pain but not all pain.
- Pain that is denied or ignored becomes fear or hate.
Anger is within each one of you. If we are confined in the narrow shells of egos and the circles of selfishness, then the anger will turn out to be hatred, violence, revenge, and destruction.
- But if we are able to break the circles, then the same anger can turn into a great power.
- We can break the circles by using inherent compassion and connect with the world through compassion to make this world better.
craving and resource from “Braving the Wilderness” – The Quest for true belonging and the courage to stand alone – by Brene Brown