ICRAVE Abundance

“Abundance is not something we acquire; it is something we tune into.” – Wayne Dyer

Abundance vs. prosperity

  • Abundance is a supply of more than enough of whatever you can possibly conceive of
  • Prosperity is a demonstration of that supply in the material world
    • How to get more stuff

Abundance is not something you can gain or lose, own, buy, trade or sell.  Rather, it is an unseen field of energy

  • It is a principle you align with and in so doing, allow to serve you.
  • “There is more than enough, and even more waiting within the mystery that you cannot see with your physical eyes today.

“Most of us are worried about the well going dry than the size of the bucket we are taking to the well.”

  • The well can never run dry because it is infinite in supply.
  • The universe knows nothing about “not enough”

The challenge is that it is easy to be seduced into believing in limitations

  • We buy into the “drama”
    • The state of the economy has nothing to do with the availability of abundance

Re-source: Reaffirm

Affirmations for Abundance


craving and from “The Art of Uncertainty” by Dennis Merit Jones

resource from http://freshaffirmations.com/daily