ICRAVE Abundance

Abundance is the bounty that comes from embracing all of you energy.  It always begins with opening your heart, and then extends outward, not vice versa. 

As we become wise arbiter of where our energy does and doesn’t go, and when all our choices (from what breakfast cereal we choose to whom we marry) are gut-inspired, we will enjoy real abundance.

Re-source: Re-solidify

The formula for increasing abundance is simple: the more you give, the more you get- a paradox to the ordinary mind but a certainty from the standpoint of energy dynamics.  

We must identify forces that blind us to the abundance we already have

  • feelings of envy and competition
  • greed
  • lack of faith in the integrity of our soul’s path
  • fear that we’re “not enough” in comparison to others.   

craving and resource from “Positive Energy” by Judith Orloff