ICRAVE A Powerful State of Being

You can either be in a powerful state of being (joy, curiosity, excitement, calm, peace, passion) or in a primal state (boredom, anger, frustration, some form of fear).  We are always in one of those two states but never in both states at the same time.

  • In every moment, we are either in “fight or flight” or in “rest and relaxation.”
  • The only cause for that switch to be flipped is our own thinking.
    • The meaning we are giving that experience.
    • This means that all of our own personal suffering is within our control.
    • We need to start adjusting the meaning that we give the experiences of life.

In a powerful state, you are connected to creativity, inspiration, vitality, energy and health.  Everything we want is in a powerful state of being.

  • When you are in a primal state, you don’t have access to any of that.
  • Notice, moment by moment, what state of being you are in and use whatever tools or technology you have access to, to move back to a powerful state.
    • This is where things unfold.

The quality of thinking that causes people to move into a primal state is untrue.  The faster way for you to eradicate a limiting belief is to actually see that the limiting belief is untrue.

  • “I’m not good enough, smart enough, etc.”
  • You can change your state, reframe something, or come up with a better story, breath work, etc., but this is a longer process than being able to see the thinking that is not true, is not true.
  • The moment that this awareness happens, there is a reorganization in your brain
    • a huge shift that reorients you.
Image result for reconnecting

Re-source: Reconnecting

Start reconnecting to what is really true. We are creating our reality.  What you believe in drives everything.

  • How does the mind work?
    • What are the levers and dials that we can grab hold of?
  • You can decide to view almost anything as "something that is working for me."
    • The Tony Robbins question, “How is the worse that that happened to you actually the best thing?”
  • Just asking a different question changes everything.  It is a choice

It is important for us to take a forensic approach to our lives.

  • Observe deeply to discover what is true for ourselves.

When we look back at every single experience of our lives, we get to create the frames.

  • These frames do become our reality and our experience.

craving and resource from "Impact Theory" with Tom Bilyeu - Shift into a power mindset at any time, in any situation – by David Bayer
